
Register for GitHub

If you do not already have a GitHub account you will need ro register before you can post in the Discussions forum. Registration is free.

Subscribe to Discussions

NORM-ROAST has established a Discussions page on GitHub where users can ask questions and the community can participate in answering. This is the preferred method for getting help. Unlike a traditional mailing list you can choose how you want to see and follow posts.

By default, when you post to a Discussion you will receive notifications when someone else posts to that Discussion. Use one of the methods described below if you wish to be notified whenever any Discussion topic is created or updated.

Pull method

Visit the Discussions page at any time with a web browser to see new and old discussions. You do not need to register with GitHub to view the Discussions page. If you wish to participate by making a post you will need to create a GitHub account.

Push method

Receive notifications when new posts are made to the Discussions page. You must have a GitHub account to recieve notifications. You can control when notifications are sent, for instance you can recieve them each time there is a new post to the Discussions page or limit them to only updates on your posts or when you are mentioned. Replying to the notification email will create a reply post in that Discussion.

Subscribe to Notifications

To manage your notificatinon settings you must have a GitHub account and be signed in. Go to the NORM ROAST Discussions page. Click on the “Watch” button. Then click “Custom”.


Select which notifications you wish to receive.


Turn Off Notifications

To turn off notifications from the NORM-ROAST repository click the “Unwatch” button and click “Participating and @mentions” in the menu. With this selection you will still recieve a notification when a new post is made to a discussion where you are a participant, or when someone mentions your usename.


To turn of all email notifications from GitHub, go to your account settings, choose Notifications and then uncheck the appropriate options.

